Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Rescue Farm

Rescue Farm is a non-profit, no-kill rescue center for companion animals. They help adopt out animals that would have otherwise been slated for euthanasia. From 2003 to 2005 they helped adopt out over 700 animals. In 2006, they increased this number to 780. So far, for 2007, they have adopted out 655 pets. They have formed a partnership with Brown County Humane and Indianapolis Care and Control in taking in animals. They are a fairly new organization and always working for improvement to help save animals lives through the donations they receive by the community.
Rescue Farm offers a few diverse activities that separate them from other shelters. A few of these are the CanINE Express, pictures with Santa, and International adoptions.
  • CanINE Express- Dogs find homes on the East Coast in 3-5 days. With this information, they have been transporting around 10-20 dogs a month from Rescue Farm to the East Coast to improve their chances for adoption. It allows Rescue Farm to take in more dogs than they otherwise would be able to by transporting them to another shelter.
  • Pictures with Santa- Rescue Farm has determined a unique way of getting donations. They have partnered up with Petsmart to offer people to have their pets pictures taken with Santa in December. $5 of each photo is donated to Rescue Farm.
  • International Adoptions- Rescue Farm allows for international adoptions. By increasing where they adopt to, they increase the chances for animals to find homes. They adopted a terrier to a couple in Canada. They stated that it was very easy to get her across the border, taking less than a minute.

Rescue Farm is a prime example of a non-profit organization that strives to perform is main goal. By coming up with unique ideas, they maximize their potential in achieving their ultimate goal: saving pets lives.


Rescue Farm plays an active role in the community. By forming partnerships with other animal shelters, they help decrease the number of animal euthanasia that take place. Their work helps people enjoy animals as companions that give benefits of even reducing stress. A study they site on their website shows that spending 15-20 minutes petting an animal reduces stress levels. Also, they partner with Petsmart on a number of things like the Santa photos, as well as adopting cats and dogs out through their store. They play an active role in community by giving back. They helped the Owen County Dog show purchase new agility training equipment. Rescue Farm is a great example of how to interact with the community to become more known and increase public awareness of the issues your organization supports.

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