Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act

You may have heard. Infections are becoming increasingly difficult to treat as resistant strains of disease continue to thrive. Are you participating in any activities that might make your body develop resistances to antibiotics? Unfortunately, if you eat meat, you are. The United States has a serious problem with livestock and poultry producers overusing antibiotics for their animals. This has negative implications both for people and the animals being treated. However, increased awareness of the issue may help alleviate the problem

  • What is being done with antibiotics?

According to the ASPCA on their lobby for animals website, "An estimated 70 percent of antibiotics and related drugs produced in this country are used in animal agriculture for non-therapeutic purposes." That's right. Farm animals are being pumped full of antibiotics, regardless if they are really sick and need the medications. The main reason they are used is to prevent diseases from spreading, however if the animals were cared for properly to being with, it would not be an issue. Farm animals are consistently overcrowded in holding pens and live in unsanitary living conditions. If their environments were improved, there would be little if no reason to give antibiotics to the animals. Another reason they are given antibiotics is to increase growth. Fatter animals means more profit, but at what cost? The cost of your health: according to the ASPCA, "The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) estimates that antibiotic-resistant bacteria cost U.S. society at least $4 billion to $5 billion each year in health care costs." Not only is this costly, but it is making it more difficult to fight disease. What happens if we become so resistant that there are no more cures or just too costly?

  • Why should you care?

This is not just a matter of animal welfare. It is about people's health as well. If you eat meat, you are part of this. You shouldn't have to pay more in doctor bills and increased expenses because your body has become immune to the antibiotics from repeated exposure. It's your right to demand quality products. Meat composed of antibiotics is not what we expect. As a consumer, you have the right to be protected and informed. Demand that you are served what you pay for and that you take your health seriously. If animals were properly cared for in the first place, there would be no reason for these antibiotics to make it into our food.

  • What can be done?

Once again, its up to the people to act. You shouldn't have to stop eating meat to avoid antibiotics. Instead, people will have to ban together and show their support for the Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act which will phase out the use of feeding excessive amounts of antibiotics to livestock. Simply go to the ASPCA's website at and complete the filled out form that supports the Act.

The high usage of antibiotics in farm animals is dangerous to our health. If this activity does not cease, people will continue to develop resistance to antibiotics, costing our society millions in expenses and the possibility of fewer cures. The support of this Act will also benefit animal welfare. In order to prevent diseases without antibiotics, the living conditions for livestock will be implemented. The Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act is imperative in ending this atrocity.

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